Apium P400
The Most Flexible Platform for Processing High Performance and Engineering Polymers
Next Generation Adaptive Zone Heater
The patented Adaptive Heating System delivers outstanding layer adhesion, resulting in maximized printed part strength and quality. Equal material properties in all directions can be expected, like conventionally manufactured parts.

Energy Efficiency
Due to the adaptivity of the zone heater, printing big parts as well as small features avoids the disadvantages of heated build chambers such as time and energy consuming heating and cooling of the entire build volume
Multi-Material Processing
The Apium P400 provides a platform for multiple tools, which can process various materials according to their requirements. Using the Independent Dual Extrusion System, the production capacity can be doubled or materials of different properties can be processed in one printing session. High performance polymers as well as technical polymers or compounds can be stored and preconditioned in the integrated dryer for an enhanced print result.

Robust, Reliable and Organized
All components have been designed for continuous operation. High-quality linear rails and servo motors ensure high print quality and low maintenance requirements. Moreover, tracking and switching the nozzles and their dedicated materials can be done seamlessly. Switched nozzles are stored comfortably in the integrated tool drawer, while the printer remembers the matching of nozzle and material.
Process Integrity
Automatic bed leveling and sensors for monitoring the process are essential for a smooth printing. Successful multi material prints precede a proper print head alignment, which is done by an integrated optical calibration system. In addition, the integrated software informs you about the condition of wear and maintenance parts.

Process Documentation
All important parameters of a print process are automatically made available in a PDF protocol. The integrated user administration prevents unauthorized access.
User friendly
The control software is specially adapted to our printer hardware and proved itself for processing high-performance polymers. An intuitive user interface enables easy operation of the printer. You can manage print jobs and check the status of the printer at any time.

Open System
The Apium P400 is a tool designed for your optimal usability. Whether you want to load your own material, use your favorite slicing software or integrate your own tool, the P400 offers you the ideal platform for your projects
Technical Support
With the experience of processing high performance polymers for almost a decade we can provide you with a comprehensive service.

Build Chamber
400 x 300 x 300 mm
Printer Size
1060 x 705 x 1941 mm
Printer Weight
260 kg
Power Consumption
3600 W max.
230V, 50 Hz
Print Head Temperature
up to 540°C
Adaptive Heating
Dryer Temperature
up to 150°C
Print Bed Temperature
up to 200°C
Printbed Material
Borosilikat Glass,
Stainless Steel
Noise Emission
< 55 dB(A)
Data Format
WiFi, Ethernet
Nozzle Diameter
0.2 – 1.0 mm
Layer Thickness
0.05 – 0.6 mm
Wall Thickness
> 250 µm
Machine Accuracy
7.5 µm horizontal
1.0 µm vertical